Lehrerweiterbildung Mathematik und Informatik

Unsere Mottos

 Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas ...

Publius Vergilius Maro
In: Georgica,II. Buch (37-29 v. Chr.), 490


 Some enthusiasts seem tempted to teach, at best, how to use a computer to do something, and, at worst, how to use one particular program to do something, rather than teach what the something is. That's bad teaching and perhaps I am not saying any more profound than  that bad teachers will do a bad job and good teachers will do a good  job, with the computer or without. ...
The process is like devoting most of the time in the education of would-be automotive engineers to teaching them how to drive or like educating would-be cryptographers by teaching them how to use a cryptography machine. Necessary, probably yes; sufficient, certainly no. I am inclined to go to the other extreme and to oppose the teaching of computer use in mathematics courses altogether. To use an analogy: pseudo-education such as that is likely to produce people who sometimes have occasion to push the button labelled "cos" on a hand-held calculator without having any idea what cosine means and without being able to predict the result of pushing it for 60° will be 1/2. Such people exist, but they are not what the product of mathematics courses is intended to be. We want to produce, among others, people who will be able to design the computers of tomorrow, not just run the ones of today.

Paul R. Halmos
In: Is Computer Teaching Harmful? Notices of the American Mathematical Society 38-5 (1991), 420-423



 Der Lehrer soll, was er lehrt, in einer Form wissen, die anders ist als die, in der er es lehrt. Er soll nicht nur über dem Stoff stehen, den er unterrichtet, sondern über der logischen Form des Stoffes.

Hans Freudenthal
In: Mathematik als pädagogische Aufgabe, Band 2 (Klett 1973), S. 598



 Geordneter Zugriff auf Wissen im Gedächtnisspeicher wird erreicht durch Konzeptualisierung der gelernten Information (z.B. Kategorienbildung).

Henning Scheich
Wissenschaftlicher Direktor des Leibniz-Instituts für Neurobiologie in Magdeburg, vor dem 3. Berliner MNU-Kongress am
2. September 2004

Letzte Aktualisierung: Ch. Maurer, 16. September 2009
